Want to Rebrand? Read This First!

There's a lot more to thorough rebranding than simply kitting out your website with a new aesthetic.

  • 4 Oct 2018
  • Business, Branding, Advice
Want to Rebrand? Read This First!

Although your visual branding will immediately be the most noticeable result of your rebrand, the process is much more than just skin-deep. Everything from your brand values and goals to your tone of voice and the way you approach future strategies will need to change to ensure that everything is primed to propel you towards the success you want to see.

But before we get too far ahead of ourselves, let's take things right back to the very beginning.

Recognising the Need for a Rebrand

Rebranding isn't something that should ever be undertaken on a whim. The process is complex and lengthy so you really need to be certain that it will help your business to thrive long into the future. And this means knowing precisely why you want to rebrand and how this will help you to get to where you want to be.

You might find that your current branding just doesn't feel right anymore. If this is the case, you should begin by deep diving into the core of your business to determine what you want your next steps to be. You might want to expand your geographical reach, take your brand global, or expand your range of products and/or services. These things might be possible with your current branding but if you feel constrained, a new brand personality might just be the change you need to make to begin striving for your vision of success.

The Importance of a Name

So, your current brand name isn't working for you. It doesn't represent who you are anymore and it is preventing you from taking steps in the direction you want to go. The good news is that you're a prime candidate for a name change. The bad news is that you must now begin the sometimes painful process of settling on a new name. You might find this process easy breezy but if you don't already have a name in mind, you're going to have to put in the hours to come up with something that completely encapsulates what you want your business to become.

Want a New Wardrobe? Prepare to Adopt a New Tone Too!

Rebranding is all about repositioning your business to reflect a new you and the simplest way to do this is to refine your outward appearance. So, in addition to changing how you look, you've got to make sure that how you sound matches your new appearance. Presenting a cohesive and coherent image is critical to avoid confusing your audience and leaving them endlessly wondering exactly what you're trying to achieve.

Shouting About Your New Image

After you've developed your new vision and decked yourself out in your new threads, it's time to shout about your new image to the world. This means updating your social channels, rewriting online profiles, sending out press releases to industry professionals who need to be in the know, and perhaps even reaching out to newspapers and magazines.

Eager to dive a little further into our rebranding knowledge? We'd love to help you to determine why you want to rebrand and then help you to refine your ethos, values and ambitions to embark on your new journey towards growth.