Check your website's vital signs

At Dino Media we have twenty-seven years of experience in what makes or breaks a website. We know what people want to see, what grabs their attention and keeps them coming back, and what wows them into spending their money.

With our FREE website health check, we are now sharing that experience with you!

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How it works

Simply enter your website address above and we'll then review your website. Once completed, we'll email you a PDF report which will show you what you're doing well at, what could do with a bit of tinkering and the areas your website might need some full on TLC to ensure it's in the best of health.


Assess your SEO authority and SEO on page factors

Website optimisation

Look at how well your content is structured and optimised

Website usability

Give your website a usability and accessibility check

Website technical audit

Check your websites technical aspects and how it performs

Social media review

Review your use of Social Media and popularity