Mystic Meg is Britain's favourite psychic astrologer, famous from The Sun newspaper and The National Lottery. We designed and built Mystic Meg's website and mobile app, delivering daily horoscopes and psychic chats.
Below is an overview of the services we provided for this project...
Enough of the teasing, you want to see more right? View our work in real and also read what the client thought of our efforts below...
We provided Dean at Dino Media with copy and images and a basic idea for our brand new website. The site he created for us allows us to make daily and monthly updates to pages as we need, and has live-links to our telephony services.
Paul Lincoln, Mystic Meg
For each new challenge our business has created for Dean, (an app on both iOS and Android platforms, links for SMS, competition entry forms, membership logins and database) has been met with professional solutions. At each stage of development we have had prompt assistance with ideas and any changes we have needed to make.
Dean has been invaluable in helping us create a professional multimedia presence.
Whether your business is an idea on the back of a napkin or you’re on the brink of world domination, we can help you out. Drop us a line and let’s have a chat.
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