Brand frameworks and the creation and management of effective digital strategies

A (simplified!) look at how brand frameworks when used with web design, helps form and organise all key brand assets

  • 29 Aug 2018
  • Business, Web Design, Branding, Advice
Brand frameworks and the creation and management of effective digital strategies

Here at Dino Media, we design and build websites and effective digital strategies. And without wanting to big ourselves up too much, we're really good at it. Of course, saying that we build websites is a vast oversimplification of the knowledge, skills and techniques that contribute to the creation of what will ultimately be the digital driving force of every business we work with. It's a lot of pressure, but we thrive on it.

The digital landscape is bustling and with every marketplace being an ultra-competitive environment to operate within, standing out from the competition and connecting with audiences in meaningful ways relies on our comprehensive understanding of the goals and aspirations of our clients. But we also like to work with brand frameworks and here's a brief look at why.

Why and How Can a Brand Framework Be So Helpful?

A brand framework is essentially an abstract construction which directs both the formation and organisation of key brand assets. Acting as an important point of reference, a well-constructed framework will effectively guide every aspect of a brand's communications from the style and tone right through to the delivery of each message. Already sounds helpful, right?

A Brief Overview of a Brand Framework

From spider diagrams to pyramids, flow diagrams and pillars, brand frameworks can take many different forms. But rather than getting bogged down before we've even begun, let's look at the key components that inform every successful framework.

  • Step One: Research

    Although there is almost certainly such a thing as too much data, it is critical that your brand framework is informed and considered. In short, you need to understand your market, have an eye on your competition, and critically evaluate your ethos, motivation, and purpose.

    A combination of self-analysis, customer analysis, and competitor analysis will provide you with the information you need to develop your framework and help you to make key business decisions in both the short and long term.

  • Step Two: Outlining Your Brand Identity

    What we specifically mean by brand identity here is outlining the thing that your business does exceptionally well. Identifying one core attribute can be tricky, however as the most effective brand strategies are built around a single differentiating quality and refuse to get caught up in attempting to communicate several different attributes, putting in the work here will always deliver value in the long run.

    Think about what you want your customers to think of when they are asked about your business. Take whatever that thing is, and build your brand identity around it.

  • Step Three: Establishing Your Value Proposition

    What makes you different and why should your audience care about who you are and what you do? Your value proposition should always reflect your product/service, demonstrate an understanding of the motivations of your target customer, and highlight a desire to provide a solution to the issue or problem they are facing. Remember, this will drive all your core communications, so it is critical to ensure that your value proposition is intricately informed by strong research and analysis.

  • So, we've clearly simplified the process quite considerably here, but we could (and totally will if you'd like us to) talk about the benefits of brand frameworks at length. Give us a call when you're ready. We'd love to work with you.